Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's Elementary

I really appreciated watching the video that we watched in class, which I believe was called It's Elementary (correct me if I'm wrong please!). I have often wondered about bringing up topics such as, what it means to be gay, in elementary schools. I had many questions about bringing it up as well. I have even wondered if teachers do talk about it at all. After seeing the video I was alarmed by the reactions that students gave to the teacher. Every one of them seemed to come from the media, and they were all very negative. I was even more alarmed by the student that referred to it as something to laugh about.
I really appreciated the way the teacher handled the topic. I cannot see how any parents could get offended by her intentions, even though I know it could happen. I think that if I was faced with this I would like to handle it in a way similar to her and I feel that it would be beneficial to watch more items similar to this video to see what teachers are doing to talk about the difficult topics whatever they might be.